Friday, November 3, 2017

3D Forms

Continuing from the last three dimensional layouts in a wireframe design, I found out I could show it in a more solid form that shows a closer representation of what it would look like as a the walls. The numbers next to each angle are the X,Y, Z axis coordinates that I used.


  1. ah, I see.
    liked the abstract quality of the wireframes, but see that these lead to another chapter, or dimension, of rooms (so to speak) that you will now need to populate.

    the x y z coordinate axes figures, at left, provide – or rather, amplify – the technical-archaeological flavor.

    buildings made of scars.
    buildings designed of scars.
    a monument, derived from the scars in a building.
    monument to that building, or to the history of that building, the people who passed through, who made the scars.

  2. order. architecture. civilization.
    based on scars – the recorded memory of something(s) that happened – and disorder.
