Tuesday 10 October
6:30 Coral Azevedo
7:00 Harrison Turner
7:30 Jade Ruscio
8:00 Jeremy Rodas
reviewers : John Colan, John McVey, Chelsea Sams, Brian Savignano
Wednesday 11 October
6:30 Morgan O'Connor
7:00 Courtney Ryan
7:30 Liam St.Laurent
8:00 Gabrielle Burgess
reviewers : John Colan, Justin Gagne, John McVey, Sarah Trahan
Reviewers :
Most recent thesis statements via full names at upper right. Click on first names (second list) to see all posts by that student.
Seminarians :
Be sure your thesis proposal is current — accurately reflects your work as you understand it at this time — and that your project has a title.